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What is the A.S.S.U.R.E Model?

The A.S.S.U.R.E Model is an Instructional Systems Design (ISD). This model’s development aims to improve and provide a suitable learning environment by allowing educators to successfully arrange and execute lesson plans. The six-step acronym, A.S.S.U.R.E Model incorporates the utilization of technology and media in the teaching and learning process. The acronyms A.S.S.U.R.E represent the following six-steps:

Othman, A. (2014). The six steps of the ASSURE model. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Select Instructional Methods, Media, and Materials

After Analyzing the Learner and Stating Objectives, Selecting Instructional Methods, Media and Material is next in sequence. When undergoing the third step of the A.S.S.U.R.E Model, Selecting Instructional Methods, Media and Material, it is important to acknowledge both your objectives and targeted audience. The use of the various methods, media and materials are what effectively integrate technology into the learning process and education.

• Selecting the Method

In brief, methods are the approach one would take to execute a certain task, therefore in education, there are many methods that educators can undergo to achieve their particular objectives. It is necessary to choose methods that will enhance the learning process and that is suitable for the audience. There are arrays of methods one can resort to using and there are multiple learning styles that learners appeal to as well. Hence, when selecting methods it is recommended to provide a variety of them when delivering information to the audience. Some methods used are learner-centered or even teacher-centered. In a learning environment, some methods used to enhance the learning process are motivation, application, orientation, information, and evaluation.

• Selecting the Media

Media is the tangible or the physical aspect and is the main means of communicating content and information to the audience given that this is what content and information can be viewed from. Selecting media can be difficult given the variety of formats available today. Media can take formats including but not limited to:

• Real Objects
• Chalk / White Boards
• Printed text (Charts and Textbooks)
• Videos
• Audios
• Computer Multimedia
• Computer Software
• Overhead Transparencies and Projected Images

• Selecting the Materials

When selecting appropriate media teachers are likely to face the option, regarding their materials, of whether they will:

1. Use of Materials that are Already Available
Educators often resort to the use of materials that are easily purchased from stores and companies to assist in a productive learning process. These include materials such as charts and textbooks.

2. Make Alterations to Available Materials
There might be difficulties having access to some materials or appropriate materials, therefore teachers can take it upon themselves to alter and modify existing materials. To make the necessary adjustments teachers can both add and subtract information and details to the existing materials to produce something more suitable.

3. Create Appropriate Materials
Some Educators take on the creative challenge, if possible, of creating their own teaching materials. Though this can be costly and time-consuming it might be necessary for a particular audience, or to successfully convey information. This can include the creation of PowerPoint presentations, charts or even models and dioramas.


Markee. (2013). ASSURE model: Selecting methods, media and ,materials. Retrieved from, R.(2011).ASSURE model. Retrieved from, T.(2017). The assure model in teaching. Retrieved from, A. (2014). The six steps of the ASSURE model. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
